Infinite Quantum

Life and Reality

Meaning of Life without the Abstractions

Purpose of life

Without humans, this reality is cold, unfeeling, and detached. Nothing matters.

But we are part of that reality. And because of that, things around us “matter”. And we need to navigate through the simplicities and complexities of our reality because of our preprogrammed purpose.

People often ask what their purpose in life is. With respect to evolution and human biology, the answer is simple, for you to procreate. That is what nature has given you. You can assign other sub-purposes to your life, but procreation is the only common impartial purpose.


When Infinite Quantum is accepted as the universal metaphysics, I wish to see the following:

One common language (maybe English at first but eventually a more sophisticated language that is more accurate whereby one word would mean only one or two meanings, so a more mathematical language, or related to the coding languages)

One government, one universal political and economic structure

One global constitution for humans

Justice based on infinite quantum (dispensed by computers, AI on mainframes)

No country, no borders. Everyone subscribing or being governed by Infinite Quantum

I do not want to jump the gun here, but Infinite Quantum should change the way we treat each other.


On average people’s action can be traced to a basic motivation of human beings: reproduction.

Every visceral action we do is rooted toward our goal to reproduce whether it is altruism, sex, murder, generosity, wanting to belong.

Any action that does not contribute toward’s one’s own goal to reproduce can be counted as an aberration.


Altruism – you want to help because you want to be liked, and because you are like, you are safe, and because you are safe, then you can reproduce.

Sex – sex is such a powerful urge because it is equivalent to two things: conquest and the act of reproducing itself. Conquest because getting someone to like you or be on your side. And because someone is on your side, meaning greater safety.

Sense of belonging. Greater safety in numbers. Safety means it is ok to reproduce.

want to donate?

If I am able to continue working on this for the next few years, the world will be in a positive trajectory five years from now. 

Infinite Quantum is inevitable. But the particular trajectory is still up in the air. We need to ensure we choose the right path

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