Infinite Quantum

Theory of Everything

Meaning of Life without the Abstractions

The totality of reality can only be understood by just using two fundamental concepts: Infinity and Quantum.

We know that the reason we cannot reconcile The Theory of Relativity with Quantum Mechanics using classical and quantum physics is because they are distinct from each other. Quantum mechanics applies to super small dimensions, smaller quantum. Whereas, theory of relativity applies to super large dimensions, bigger quantum.

What Infinite Quantum provides is a way to connect these two theories. In fact, it is a way to connect everything, beyond Newton and Einstein. Infinite Quantum applies to everything because infinite quantum is the common denominator.

One cannot fully understand reality without understanding Infinity and Quantum as a unified idea. However, one cannot fully understand Infinity and Quantum without understanding Infinity on its own or Quantum on its own.

Taken separately, Infinity & Quantum points to two completely different, opposite things. But taken together they describe reality in a specific, unassailable, universal way.


There will always something smaller or bigger. 

Infinity means no end. Which means there is no starting point or ending point. Which means there is always something bigger or smaller. Something thicker or thinner. Shorter, longer. Faster, slower. Etc. Etc. There is no limit to any properties (aka dimension). In fact, contrary to common instincts, the number of properties (aka dimension) itself is infinite. (Space, time, speed, size, colour,)


We already know that the milky way galaxy is not the biggest unit of particle in the universe. We have superclusters. And then the observable universe.


The aim of Infinite Quantum theory is to get us to accept that there is no limit to how big a particle can get for the simple reason that there is always something bigger. (Let’s do a thought experiment later)


We already know that the atom is not smallest particle. We have now established, that there are particles making up the atom. Protons, Neutrons, electrons. And then there are the quarks.


The aim of Infinite Quantum theory is to get us to accept that there is no limit to how small a particle can get for the simple reason that there is always something smaller. (Let’s do a thought experiment later)


Humans function rather successfully because we perceive things as units that we can count, measure, sense.

Quantum means perceivable as a unit. Operative word being unit. A quantum is also distinct from each other. Or with itself as time passes.

A basic example would be the phone screen (or desktop monitor) you are looking at now (you can see it is a perceivable unit). The pen is another quantum. The coffee cup is a quantum. Etc. Anything you perceive is a quantum.

But there are quantums you cannot perceive because it is either so big or so small that they are beyond human’s ability to perceive (even with tools like electron microscope or a space telescope) e.g. outside of the observable universe, no has seen what’s beyond. On the other hand, beyond the quarks, no one has any idea what’s even smaller.

Quantum at X axis

The phone is distinct from the pen and is distinct from the coffee cup. You can tell they are different because they occupy distinct locations, and they have different shapes.

Quantum at Y axis

The phone is made up of molecules (e.g. plastic molecules for the frame, glass molecules for the screen, etc) However, each of those molecules is a quantum. Each molecule is composed of atoms. And each atom is a quantum. Each atom is composed of electrons, neutrons, and protons, and each of the electron, neutron and proton is a quantum. And so on, and so on down the line.

Quantum at Z axis

The phone is made up of molecules. And molecules are made up of atoms.  And so on. What we already now are that the subcomponent of the phone is moving. They are perpetually in motion. And the rate of motion is dependent on infinite number of factors. (temperature, gravity or pressure, type of materials, etc). Some of these factors are known, an infinite other factors are unknown. In fact we know so little that we may never know what it really depends on. So back to motion. Since everything is in motion, then the phone is not the same now as it was some time ago. Sub particles have moved. And they are not in the same position as sometime ago.

Infinite Quantum

Everywhere. Anywhere

Let’s combine these two opposing ideas by doing a couple of thought experiments.


Let’s pretend that as things get smaller, you, as an observer, get proportionately smaller. So, at the atom level, you become just as small. You become as big as the electron, for example. Now. whereas before you need a magnifier to see an electron, you can now easily perceive the electron as a unit. Now it becomes evident that the electron is made up of something else. It may require you to further shrink to the smaller constituent size, but it’s no problem, you can shrink as much as you want. You can now see that the smaller part is composed of something smaller. And so on. You now realize that it never ends.


Let us now pretend that as things get bigger, you as an observer, get proportionally bigger. So, at solar system level, you become just as big. You become big as the entire orbit radius of an outer object, like Pluto, for example. Now you see that our solar system, along with other solar systems makes up the milky way galaxy. So, you get proportionally bigger to the size of the milky way galaxy. And then to the size of the super cluster. And then to the observable universe. And so on. Until you realize that it never ends.




limitlessness and limitedness (or some such words). Infinity and Quantum describe reality as both seamless and discrete, at the same time. And

Distinct even to its own self, with respect to time. Distinct now as it was a second ago.

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If I am able to continue working on this for the next few years, the world will be in a positive trajectory five years from now. 

Infinite Quantum is inevitable. But the particular trajectory is still up in the air. We need to ensure we choose the right path

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