Infinite Quantum


Meaning of Life without the Abstractions

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When Darwin published and issued his The Origin of Species, it did not take off immediately. It took several years, or even decades, for it to really make an impact on the scientific community, let alone the general population. 


I am optimistic for Infinite Quantum, but its effect, let alone adaptation, will not happen in my lifetime.


In the meantime, I wanted to just work on my website and hopefully keep spreading the word. 


Unfortunately, like most everyone else, I have bills to pay. So, I must go through the rituals of keeping a job.


I also wish that I could hire graphics designers and animators (think YouTube’s Wendover or Kurzgesagt). It would have been a lot easier explaining with graphics what I am trying to explain here with words.


Perhaps it would take three to five more revisions of this primer for me to take it to a sweet spot.


I would therefore welcome donations through my PayPal account. I am not asking for much now (though later I might aim for something that would trully change humanity), just enough for now to pay a few bills and not worry about losing my home.


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